A lack of progression is
synonymous with regression.

That's how we perceive things at entalize. The times are changing at an ever-increasing pace and our work has to account for that. Refusing to change means the world will pass us by. Essentially, that's falling back. Of course, change does not necessarily equate to success in all cases. In fact, leaving convention to foray into the unknown requires courage, and can be a rather taxing endeavor. The path to becoming the best is anything but easy. At times you may want to give up completely. Even so, entalize employees take great pride in their work – in being able to provide the unique service of full localization oversight from start to finish. That's what motivates us to keep moving forward. To keep growing. We want to share this journey with similarly courageous, motivated individuals.



Striking the Perfect
Work-Life Balance

The average age of our employees is thirty-four. Many work while raising children – a prevalent trend in this modern era. As the years go by, other concerns may crop up, such as tending to elderly family members or personal health issues. Regardless of one's age, striking a balance between personal life and work is a matter of great importance. Perhaps you live alone, perhaps with a spouse. Perhaps both parties work, perhaps not. In all cases, home life is an integral area of one's existence, required for talented individuals to utilize said talent in the workplace. That's why entalize takes care to accommodate individual needs via flexible shift allocation, a comfortable work environment, and much more.


Happy Employees
are Motivated Ones

entalize regularly holds joint events with other international offices, in addition to friendly get-togethers among its own internal departments. None are mandatory and make it easy for fellow employees to communicate. Our efforts in the realm of DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) have also been well-received, allowing us to nurture a corporate culture backing individuals of all walks and backgrounds. Conveniences such as coffee machines and comfortable chairs also help shape an environment conducive to work.




  • 海外拠点と連携し日本のゲームを世界へ届ける ソリューション営業



  • ゲームローカライズをより自然な言葉に 日本語のブラッシュアップ


Audio Production


Localization Quality Assurance


Multilingual Localization

  • 日→繁体字翻訳者 ゲーム翻訳のプロになりましょう!!

  • 中日翻訳者 ゲーム翻訳 あなたの翻訳でファンを魅了してください

       Back Office

Back Office

  • グローバルに活躍する経理
